Website Maintenance

Our maintenance packages are all full service and provides complete peace of mind

Website maintenance includes updating the content of existing website to maintain its corporate website up-to date. Regular addition of new web pages is also part of maintenance services. Website maintenance includes repair of sections of your site to stop working incorrectly. Inventriks offers full range website design, custom website design and website maintenance in Toronto, Canada.

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Website Maintenance Services

Contents update, Blog, articles, etc.

Replace images i.e. pictures & graphics

Adding/removing pages

Website modification and addition of website content

digital agency


It also create a good influence of well organization

It create a right up-to-date impression of your business

Updating the website every now and then attracts visitor to re-visit your website

Website with higher update frequency has higher possibility of ranking in Major Search Engines

digital agency

Regular Maintenance

E-Commerce Website Maintenance

Corporate Website Maintenance

NGO, Social organization Website Maintenance

News Group & Blog Maintenance

digital agency


Bug fixing and problem reporting, i.e correcting broken scripts

Website edits, revisions, updates or creating new content on existing pages based on requests

Telephone website support.

digital agency